Monday 14 January 2013


Have you read the story Pink! by Lynne Rickards to your students?

In the story, we meet Patrick, a little penguin who wakes up one morning to find his world has been turned upside down. He’s turned pink! Patrick leaves his home and friends to find where he fits in but at the end, he realises that his friends still like him no matter what he looks like.

We also read  It's Okay to be Different by Todd Parr.

Both these books are great books to talk about diversity with your students.

We did a penguin craftivity and wrote about:

It's Okay to be Different

It is important for students to realise that it’s okay if they are different and they’ll still be accepted and have friends. 

We also wrote about 'What is a friend?'

You can download a copy of this writing sheet HERE

I have put a mini unit together with activities to go with the story 'Pink!'

The unit will help your students accept who they are and realise 
it IS okay to be different!

The Pink penguin craftivity and other activities are available 

Happy teaching


  1. How cute! I am going to have to locate that book at the library. Your bulletin board looks great! Thanks for sharing.

    The Convenient Teacher

  2. What a beautiful idea... perfect for the beginning of the year! I was going to take my two littlies to the library in the morning, so I will be keeping an eye out for that book!

    Your class has done a wonderful job with the penguin craft too.. they are gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing :)


    Early Years Fun

  3. The craft looks great Rhonda. I'm not familiar with this book...I'm going to have to find it. Thanks for the freebie!
    Ann-Marie Parisi

  4. We did this craft today! I Hope You Got THEORY Picture I sent to you of our board.
